Practice (40)

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Square $ABCD$ has area $36,$ and $\overline{AB}$ is parallel to the x-axis. Vertices $A,$ $B$, and $C$ are on the graphs of $y = \log_{a}x,$ $y = 2\log_{a}x,$ and $y = 3\log_{a}x,$ respectively. What is $a?$

The point $O$ is the center of the circle circumscribed about triangle $ABC$, with $\angle BOC = 120^{\circ}$ and $\angle AOB = 140^{\circ}$, as shown. What is the degree measure of $\angle ABC$?

Triangle $ABC$ has side lengths $AB = 5$, $BC = 6$, and $AC = 7$. Two bugs start simultaneously from $A$ and crawl along the sides of the triangle in opposite directions at the same speed. They meet at point $D$. What is $BD$?

All sides of the convex pentagon $ABCDE$ are of equal length, and $\angle A = \angle B = 90^{\circ}$. What is the degree measure of $\angle E$?

Rhombus $ABCD$, with side length $6$, is rolled to form a cylinder of volume $6$ by taping $\overline{AB}$ to $\overline{DC}$. What is $\sin(\angle ABC)$?

The parallelogram bounded by the lines $y=ax+c$, $y=ax+d$, $y=bx+c$, and $y=bx+d$ has area $18$. The parallelogram bounded by the lines $y=ax+c$, $y=ax-d$, $y=bx+c$, and $y=bx-d$ has area $72$. Given that $a$, $b$, $c$, and $d$ are positive integers, what is the smallest possible value of $a+b+c+d$?

Two particles move along the edges of equilateral $\triangle ABC$ in the direction \[A\Rightarrow B\Rightarrow C\Rightarrow A,\] starting simultaneously and moving at the same speed. One starts at $A$, and the other starts at the midpoint of $\overline{BC}$. The midpoint of the line segment joining the two particles traces out a path that encloses a region $R$. What is the ratio of the area of $R$ to the area of $\triangle ABC$?

Points $A,B,C,D$ and $E$ are located in 3-dimensional space with $AB=BC=CD=DE=EA=2$ and $\angle ABC=\angle CDE=\angle DEA=90^o$. The plane of $\triangle ABC$ is parallel to $\overline{DE}$. What is the area of $\triangle BDE$?

The vertices of a $3-4-5$ right triangle are the centers of three mutually externally tangent circles, as shown. What is the sum of the areas of the three circles?

Circles with centers $A$ and $B$ have radii 3 and 8, respectively. A common internal tangent intersects the circles at $C$ and $D$, respectively. Lines $AB$ and $CD$ intersect at $E$, and $AE=5$. What is $CD$?

Square $ABCD$ has side length $s$, a circle centered at $E$ has radius $r$, and $r$ and $s$ are both rational. The circle passes through $D$, and $D$ lies on $\overline{BE}$. Point $F$ lies on the circle, on the same side of $\overline{BE}$ as $A$. Segment $AF$ is tangent to the circle, and $AF=\sqrt{9+5\sqrt{2}}$. What is $\frac{r}{s}$?

Circles with centers $(2,4)$ and $(14,9)$ have radii $4$ and $9$, respectively. The equation of a common external tangent to the circles can be written in the form $y=mx+b$ with $m>0$. What is $b$?

A circle of radius $r$ is concentric with and outside a regular hexagon of side length $2$. The probability that three entire sides of hexagon are visible from a randomly chosen point on the circle is $\frac{1}{2}$. What is $r$?

The lines $x = \frac 14y + a$ and $y = \frac 14x + b$ intersect at the point $(1,2)$. What is $a + b$?

The parabola $y=ax^2+bx+c$ has vertex $(p,p)$ and $y$-intercept $(0,-p)$, where $p\ne 0$. What is $b$?

Rhombus $ABCD$ is similar to rhombus $BFDE$. The area of rhombus $ABCD$ is 24, and $\angle BAD = 60^\circ$. What is the area of rhombus $BFDE$?

Circles with centers $O$ and $P$ have radii 2 and 4, respectively, and are externally tangent. Points $A$ and $B$ are on the circle centered at $O$, and points $C$ and $D$ are on the circle centered at $P$, such that $\overline{AD}$ and $\overline{BC}$ are common external tangents to the circles. What is the area of hexagon $AOBCPD$?

Regular hexagon $ABCDEF$ has vertices $A$ and $C$ at $(0,0)$ and $(7,1)$, respectively. What is its area?

Rectangle $ABCD$ has area $2006$. An ellipse with area $2006\pi$ passes through $A$ and $C$ and has foci at $B$ and $D$. What is the perimeter of the rectangle? (The area of an ellipse is $ab\pi$ where $2a$ and $2b$ are the lengths of the axes.)

Isosceles $\triangle ABC$ has a right angle at $C$. Point $P$ is inside $\triangle ABC$, such that $PA=11$, $PB=7$, and $PC=6$. Legs $\overline{AC}$ and $\overline{BC}$ have length $s=\sqrt{a+b\sqrt{2}}$, where $a$ and $b$ are positive integers. What is $a+b$?

A rectangle with diagonal length $x$ is twice as long as it is wide. What is the area of the rectangle?

Square $EFGH$ is inside the square $ABCD$ so that each side of $EFGH$ can be extended to pass through a vertex of $ABCD$. Square $ABCD$ has side length $\sqrt {50}$ and $BE = 1$. What is the area of the inner square $EFGH$?

Let $\overline{AB}$ be a diameter of a circle and $C$ be a point on $\overline{AB}$ with $2 \cdot AC = BC$. Let $D$ and $E$ be points on the circle such that $\overline{DC} \perp \overline{AB}$ and $\overline{DE}$ is a second diameter. What is the ratio of the area of $\triangle DCE$ to the area of $\triangle ABD$?


Three circles of radius $s$ are drawn in the first quadrant of the $xy$-plane. The first circle is tangent to both axes, the second is tangent to the first circle and the $x$-axis, and the third is tangent to the first circle and the $y$-axis. A circle of radius $r > s$ is tangent to both axes and to the second and third circles. What is $\frac{r}{s}$?

A unit cube is cut twice to form three triangular prisms, two of which are congruent, as shown in Figure 1. The cube is then cut in the same manner along the dashed lines shown in Figure 2. This creates nine pieces. What is the volume of the piece that contains vertex $W$?