Problem - 265
Let $M_n$ be the $n \times n$ matrix with entries as follows: for $1 \le i \le n$, $m_{i,i} = 10$; for $1 \le i \le n - 1$, $m_{i+1,i} = m_{i,i+1} = 3$; all other entries in $M_n$ are zero. Let $D_n$ be the determinant of matrix $M_n$. Then $\displaystyle\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{8D_n+1}$ can be represented as $\frac{p}{q}$, where $p$ and $q$ are relatively prime positive integers. Find $p + q$. Note: The determinant of the $1 \times 1$ matrix $[a]$ is $a$, and the determinant of the $2 \times 2$ matrix $\left[ {\begin{array}{cc} a & b \\ c & d \\ \end{array} } \right] = ad - bc$; for $n \ge 2$, the determinant of an $n \times n$ matrix with first row or first column $a_1$ $a_2$ $a_3$ $\dots$ $a_n$ is equal to $a_1C_1 - a_2C_2 + a_3C_3 - \dots + (-1)^{n+1}a_nC_n$, where $C_i$ is the determinant of the $(n - 1) \times (n - 1)$ matrix formed by eliminating the row and column containing $a_i$.

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