
Problem - 1798
Abigail, Bartholomew and Cromwell play a game in which they take turns adding 1, 2, 3 or 4 to a sum in order to create an increasing sequence of primes. For example, Abigail must start with either 2 or 3. If she chooses 2, then Bartholomew can add 1 to make 3, or he can add 3 to make 5. If Bartholomew makes 3, then Cromwell can add 2 to make 5, or he can add 4 to make 7. Abigail, Bartholomew and Cromwell take turns, in that order, until no more primes can be made, and the game ends. The player who makes the last prime wins. If Bartholomew wins, how many primes were made?

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